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An Zhisheng
author: source: Time:2009-07-20 font< big medium small >

An Zhisheng  CAS Academician
First Director of Earth Environment Institute
Office term: 1999

   An Zhisheng, research fellow, male, Han nationality, born in Liu An County, Anhui Province in 1941, Master and doctor tutor ; graduated from the Department of Geology, Nanjing University in 1962 and from  the Geo-Chemistry Institute, Geologic Institute, CAS as postgraduate in 1966; mainly in research of global environmental change, atmospheric particulate pollution control, Quaternary geologic and global change .  
    In 1991 he was elected academician with CAS. He in succession held the position of Director of Xi’an Branch, CAS, director of Shaanxi Academy of Sciences, Director of National Key Laboratory of Loess
 and Quaternary Geology, and Director of Earth Environment Institute, CAS, and concurrently of Vice Director of Chinese Quaternary Research Committee, Vice Chairman of  INQUA, Vice Chairman of International Geo-sphere-Biosphere Program, visiting professor of Nanjing University,  Fudan University,  University of Science and Technology of China, Jiaotong University, Northwest University and Shaanxi Normal University at the same time; member of Editorial Board of "Quaternary Science Reviews", Director of Shaanxi Ecological Society, Vice Chairman of Shaanxi Association of Sciences, member of the leading group and head of experts group of Shaanxi "Beautiful Mountains and Hills Project" and environmental consultant to  Xi’an City. Firth Director of Earth environment Institute during 19992002.



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