On Sep. 9-11, 2013, IEECAS delegation has visited Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO),Columbia University as guests of Prof. Sean Solomon, Dean of the LDEO. The delegation included Zhisheng An, Weijian Zhou, Junji Cao, Youbin Sun, and Li Li, as well as Yongmin Han, who has been on Lamont campus since July to collaborate with Beizhan Yan on the provenance of airborne black carbon in Chinese megacities. The Chinese and US scientists toured campus, laboratories and participated in discussions on scientific topics of joint interest in paleoclimate and related subjects. Participants from Lamont, in addition to Beizhan, included Wally Broecker, Elizabeth Clark, Yoni Goldsmith, Laia Andreu Hayles, Sid Hemming, Mike Kaplan, Dennis Kent, George Kukla, Yochanan Kushnir, Tanzhuo Liu, Jerry McManus, Aaron Putnam, Joerg Schaefer, and Gisela Winckler. The objective of the visit was to develop plans for joint studies on paleoclimate, and for one or more cooperative research projects to be conducted between IEECAS and Lamont. The two institutes agree to reinforce academic exchanges and a joint-workshop in China next year is also being planned.

(Image by IEECAS)