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U.S. Senate delegation to the Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences
author: source: Time:2011-04-27 font< big medium small >

The U.S. Senate Majority Leader (Senate Leader, after the U.S. president and vice president of the national leader) Harry Reid and the Senate delegation (37 members) visited the Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IEECAS) in the afternoon of April 23, 2011.

   Accompanied by Academician Zhisheng An, Academician Weijian Zhou, and Deputy Director Junji Cao, the delegation visited the 14C dating, atmospheric aerosols, tree rings, environmental magnetic, isotopic laboratories, and library. The delegation had a lively exchange with IEECAS’s researchers, for a number of scientific issues, especially global climate changes.

   During the visit, the representatives showed great interests in the Sino-US scientific and technological cooperation. They asked frequently the questions regarding the collaborations between Chinese and US research institutes. After knowing the deep cooperation between IEECAS and Desert Research Institute, University of Arizona, National Center for Atmospheric Research in the United States, Senator Harry Reid were very pleased and hoped the collaborations will continue and the scientific and technological cooperation will be strengthen. Senator Harry Reid and all other US Senators were impressed by excellent scientific achievements by IEECAS’ scientists. Senator Reid praised the IEECAS’ scientists as a "smart group" and presented gifts.

   The U.S. Senate delegation (10 Senators), including the most important Senators in environmental protection areas, is a largest Senator visiting group since the establishment of Sina-US diplomatic relations in 1979. Other senators include: Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Richard Durbin (D-IL), Michael Enzi (R-WY), Charles Schumer (D-NY), John Isakson (R-GA), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Michael Bennet (D-CO).  During Beijing visit in April 21, 2011, the delegation was welcomed by the National People's Congress Chairman Bangguo Wu, Vice President Jinping Xi, Vice Premier Qishan Wang, and Foreign Minister Jiechi Yang, and other officials, respectively.

   It is reported that the IEECAS was the only scientific research institutions which the US Senate delegation had visited. U.S. Embassy in Beijing and Shanxi Provincial Foreign Affairs Officer and other relevant staff jointed the visit.

Figure 1 Group photo

Figure 2 Visit to 14C dating lab

Figure 3. Visit to Tree Ring Lab

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